Why recruiters should focus more on social recruiting platforms?
Its simple because organizations, particularly B2B companies, are constantly on the lookout to add valuable resources to their workforce that can help drive them towards top talent. In order to get the best resource for their organizations, recruitment drives specific job postings and various other engagement activities. Yet at the end of it, almost all organizations, more often than not, fall short of having the right candidate for the job as they often overlook the social recruiting platforms. Organizations are unable to fill this gap largely not because right resources are not available in the market but because the organizations are unable to reach out to the ones they desire.
With every passing day, B2B companies are moving forward to using their social presence smartly in order to discover the most appropriate and potential candidates for the jobs. Social recruiting is a must for the hiring strategies, as according to an annual recruiting survey, more than 50% of the recruiting professionals responded that online recruiting offers numerous benefits including exposure to a wider audience, increased ability to reach out to the passive candidates, ease of use, reduction in cost per hire and saves time through faster hiring process.
Social Interaction With Candidates Offers Key Insights
Today, resumes fall short to offer key insights into a resource that can help recruiters determine their suitability. Thus, making the recruitment process transparent and exploring the technology helps in bringing up the best options for your organization.
Social recruiting platforms are a great way of personally getting in touch with the top talent. Personalization is crucial for approaching potential candidates as well because the applicants can understand more about their prospective employer along with their encompassing values and how their contribution will shape the company going forward.
Social Recruiting Platforms Augment Traditional Recruiting
Traditional recruiting processes are quite often protracted and don’t end up helping the organization. Whereas, the nature of social recruiting lends itself to making new connections in an expedite manner. Consequently, it helps to build a network that could be imminently well leveraged associated with long term benefits.
Social Recruiting Platforms help to get your word out that you are in need of a resource having a certain set of skills and qualifications. This is simply not possible if you merely rely on traditional recruiting practices. Social recruiting platforms enables you to reach unchartered waters. Your message traverses seamlessly through a wide range of people; who help you reach the best talent out there. With significant outreach, you also have the chance to better know the potential candidate and their interests. For instance, what motivates them? How they view themselves? What do they make of your organization? And how they can utilize their talent and skills in making a difference to achieve desired goals of the organization?
Discover Candidates through Social Media Platforms
The companies who are incline to discover the best talent add value in their company culture. They know that social recruiting platforms help organizations to find the right fit. Such organizations will leave no stone unturned in making the top talent a part of their future. The biggest advantage of social recruiting is that the existence of talent communities and job groups on various social platforms. Platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter naturally creates a database of desired talent. This would not have been possible through traditional recruiting. When your organization is social recruiting it is also indirectly marketing its services and products. Furthermore, creating a brand image of only wanting to provide the very best for its customers.
All in all, without social recruiting, organizations are not going to go far in finding the best talent.