Request a Demo

Along with a fully-functioning RecruitBPM portal for your organization, you'll also get access to a client support specialist who can walk you through any questions you have. By signing up for a demo , you get a fully-functional RecruitBPM portal and a one-on-one demo with a member of the RecruitBPM client team.

Request a Demo

Along with a fully-functioning RecruitBPM portal for your organization, you'll also get access to a client support specialist who can walk you through any questions you have. By signing up for a demo , you get a fully-functional RecruitBPM portal and a one-on-one demo with a member of the RecruitBPM client team.

With RecruitBPM, you can

  • Get 100% AI-driven insights
  • Customize workflows in countless ways
  • Automate 90% of manual tasks
  • Boost engagement to attract top talent
  • 40+ job board and 3rd party integrations to help you find candidates faster than ever
recruitbpm features

From startups to enterprise leaders, we're the talent acquistion powerhouse.

Every day, thousands of candidates flow through our system, shaping hiring dynamics worldwide. Our AI platform enables clients to achieve once-thought-impossible results. From the unimaginable to the achievable, we help our clients break barriers effortlessly.

staffing software
staffing software
staffing software
We understand the value of technology as well as the impact that technology has on our time. Recruiting at its core is challenging and time-consuming with constant competing priorities pulling you in multiple directions. In order to achieve success in our industry, you have to be nimble and adapt quickly. RecruitBPM's platform gave me the time that I needed to do just that.
staffing software
Jack Farrell
Owner, QuickRecruit
QuickRecruit, LLC
RecruitBPM gets my wholehearted vote and here is why: Price, features, simplicity to name a few but here are the real reasons anytime I have had an issue, wanted to suggest features, learn a workflow, etc, RecruitBPM has gotten back to me in expediently, efficiently, and effectively.
staffing software
Derek Iannelli-Smith Owner & Trusted Advisor
Outsourced CIO LLC
Since we started using RecruitBPM, we've seen a marked improvement in our internal and external recruiting processes. With its simplicity and efficiency, RBPM's applicant tracking system has added great value to our consulting firm.
recruitment and talent acquisition
Anne Case
Recruiting Manager
Finally, an all in one ATS & CRM at an affordable price. 19 years in the business made me understand the importance of technology for optimized recruitment. After months of researching, I had discovered RecruitBPM as a 100% scalable, affordable and KPI driven ATS.
recruitment and talent acquisition
Sean M Hill
Managing Partner

Our awards and industry recognition are a testament of our unwavering commitment

Gained as a result of our long-standing commitment to offer AI-enabled yet human-centered solutions to our customers, these awards are an evidence how many extra miles we’ve come.

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